About Invisalign
Invisalign uses a system that is
custom-fit to your mouth with a smooth BPA-free plastic, rather than a system
of brackets and wires that can irritate your gums or cheeks. Invisalign is
removable and resembles a bite guard. The device is removed every two weeks in
order to help the transition and create the desired results in your teeth and
bite. As the name suggests, Invisalign is transparent. Not every dentist will
have the credentials to offer Invisalign as an option, so be sure to ask your
dentist if you are interested in the product. They need to have a training
certificate in order to give you Invisalign treatment.
Is Invisalign Right For Everyone?
In order to get Invisalign, you
would need to have a consultation with your dentist. They will review the procedure
and help determine if Invisalign is the best solution for your dental issues.
Some of the corrections Invisalign assists with is open bite, underbite,
overbite, spacing, crowding and crossbite. It can also be used for
straightening. Even those who previously had braces may benefit from
What Does Invisalign Do?
Part of having Invisalign is
getting a customized treatment plan that caters to your specific needs. You
will be informed of what to expect with every stage in the treatment. As a
general rule of thumb, you should start seeing results within a year of wearing
Invisalign. This is the same length of time needed for correcting problems in
Here's How It Works
The patient will take a series of
impressions and x-rays that allow the dentist to create a 3-D image of your
teeth. This virtual depiction allows them to track movement at each stage and
anticipate further corrections. Using the same 3D technology, the dentist will
make aligners. Usually patients will need between 18 and 30 aligners, which are
worn in two week increments. The best results can be seen when the Invisalign
is worn for 20 to 22 hours per day and only removed when eating, drinking,
flossing or brushing. You will also need to see the dentist every six weeks so they
can track your progress.
Get More Information
There is a lot of information
that you can use in making your Invisalign decision. Corrective orthodontics
can be pursued at any point. To learn more, contact a local dentist to discuss
this great alternative to adult braces.