Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Puget Park Dental With Invisalign Service

Many people are interested in the newest technique for straightening crooked teeth called Invisalign. This is a clear and removable straightener, which slips over the teeth in order to shift them into place. This provides a more appealing alternative to old-fashioned braces that are highly visible with all the same metal brackets and wires. 

Youngsters have always comprised the bulk of orthodontic patients but adults opt for teeth straightening, as well. While neither adults nor teens are thrilled with having something that appears to be chain link fencing running across their smiles, they are willing to put up with it for a nice eventual result. With this new nearly invisible method, patients can cosmetically align their crooked teeth without ridicule.
Here are some tidbits about the Invisalign dental devices:

Invisalign reportedly works more quickly than the old fashioned method. Traditional braces often take up to three years or even longer for straightening crooked teeth. It may take less than two years for completion of the process, sometimes even shorter.

Fewer cavities and problems with tooth decay occur while utilizing these devices compared to the old brackets and wire. By removing the apparatus, full accessibility to teeth and gums is available in order to perform dental hygiene regimes of brushing and flossing. With the silver wire method, it's hard to get between teeth.

X-rays can be taken while undergoing this process by simply removing the device. The patient must be committed to consistently adhering to the schedule of wearing the straighteners in order for them to work properly. They should only be removed for one to two hours per day at a maximum. Wearers should be aware that they should not smoke or chew gum while undergoing this process. Cigarette smoke will stain and discolor the clearness and chewing gum will stick to it.

This apparatus may cause speech and articulation problems while the patient is wearing it. While this problem is only temporary, the complication should be taken into consideration when deciding upon the course of treatment.

Traditional braces are less costly than this new method. If a patient is on a tight budget, they will need to think seriously about their options. If a patient has health insurance that covers the cost of dentistry and orthodontia, Invisalign costs will likely be covered up to a certain amount. Patients should check with their individual health plans to pinpoint the exact amounts covered.

Rare side effects include allergic reactions, upset stomach and sore throats. There have also been rare reports of swelling in the throat that have hampered breathing. If a patient is interesting in comparing traditional braces with Invisalign, they should make an appointment with their dental care provider for a consultation.

Invisalign in Everett can straighten your teeth without the appearance of typical braces. To learn more, visit: